Here is Jillian at one month old.
Today (March 2nd) we took Jillian to her 2nd doctors appointment. She had her first at 4 days old. She weighed in today at 9 lbs 2 ozs and at 21 inches long!! She has gained a lot in her first month. She was in the 50 percentile for her head size, 42nd for length, and 44th for weight.
She was awake and happy for the visit until her shot. She didn't care for that so much. Poor little thing was just laying there all happy and she got poked by a needle. She cried for less than a minute and then she was happy again.
We are finally starting to get in to a bit of a routine around here. Jillian gets up 2 times during the night to eat. She has been eating and then going right back to sleep so that has been nice.
She is awake and happy pretty much all morning and then starts to get sleepy after lunch. She then wakes back up in the evening. We have been giving her a bath each evening because it wakes her up. The one evening recently that we didn't give her a bath she was up from 12:30 am till 3 or 4 in the morning. She took her long sleep that evening instead of during the night.