6-6-10 tummy time
6-4-10 Jillian in the Purdue outfit I made for Amy, but Amy's mommy let me borrow for Jilly to wear :)
Jillian had her 4 month check up this past week. She now weighs in at 14 lbs 15 oz's and is 24 inches long. She is in the 70% for weight, but only the 30% for length. She gained exactly 3 lbs from her 2 month check up!
During this past week Jillian has managed to roll herself over. She has gone from back to front and front to back. She demonstrated going from front to back at the doctors office. She doesn't really have it figured out that well yet because I haven't seen her roll over since.
Jillian did have to get vaccinations again this week. She did really well until the last shot and cried a bit. It didn't last more than 30 seconds though. She is a pretty good sport about it. She was a little more fussy during that day, but just wanted to be held more than usual. We had baby Tylenol on hand that she was given and seemed to make her feel a bit better. I'm glad she doesn't have to get shots again until August!