Jillian went in today (11-12-10) for her 9 month checkup. She is now 19 pound 8 ounces (56th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (48th percentile). They were pleased with her growth. She wasn't a big fan of the doctor taking her over to the table to examine her. She was getting hungry and sleepy and that isn't really the best combo. I scheduled her 1 year checkup for a little earlier in the morning. Maybe that will help!
Jillian starting crawling on her 9 month "birthday" which was back on 10-29-10. She has since really taken off and tries to get into everything. She also started pulling up on stuff to stand. She hasn't yet tried walking along any furniture but I'm sure that is soon to follow. Currently she loves to try and splash the water in the dogs water bowl. We have a chair blocking her path at the moment. We can't exactly pick it up since the dogs need water.

(11-12-10) Jillian playing on the floor in the doctors office. She wanted to crawl around and kept going over to the door.

(10-31-10) Jillian as a ladybug. She helped me hand out candy but not before posing for a few pictures in her costume.