Jillian is finally starting to get teeth! She has one so far that has broken through the surface and boy is it sharp! When you look in her mouth (on the rare occasion she will let you..) you can see there are more teeth working on coming in.
Her favorite thing to do right now is to be walked around. She can crawl but would by far prefer for you to hold her hands and walk around. She is able to stand for a few seconds at a time. Usually she can stand longer if she doesn't realise she is doing it.

Her next favorite thing to do is pick on the animals. Tito (our big white dog) just gets up and walks away. Sarge is really good with her and tolerates her messing with him for quite some time but he too tires of her and gets up and walks away. The funniest thing to us is when the dogs get up and walk away from her and she cries. Sounds mean but you would have to see it. Then there is our cat. She loves Kramer! Can't say the cat shares the same affection. He typically runs from her. Can't say that I blame him.

Jillian likes to help mommy wash dishes. This is only because she is allowed to play in my dishwater and splash it around. She does randomly drop items back in the dishwater that I have just washed. Guess she is trying to tell me I didn't wash them very well ;). Last night she tried to escape out of the sink and crawl onto the counter.. That isn't going to work so well...

(12-10-10 Jillian being a little stinker getting in the water dish)
She loves to get into the dogs water dish. As I mentioned before we try to have it blocked off by a chair or two. She recently discovered she could pull the chair away on the tile to get to the water dish. Little stinker!
She doesn't like to let mommy shower.. so I let her stand on the outside of the tub where she can see me. Our shower has a sliding door on it and she figured out she can push it all the way open.. Mommy was not amused. I would tell her no and she just smiles and/or laughs at me. Daddy did finally come in and rescue me. It was hard to keep the shower door closed because even if I close it all the way she still knows how to slide it open. Also a little hard to shower when you are holding the door closed. Don't know about you but I found it rather hard to wash my hair with one hand.
(1-17-11 Jillian splashing in the sink)