Thursday Jillian's preschool had "
French toast with
Fathers" breakfast. It was the "Ff" week at preschool after all. Rick reported that all the kiddos appeared to have dads to come to this event :). They started in the classroom with the kiddos and had french toast for breakfast. Then they got to join the kids in the gym for the "Minds in Motion" part of the day. They even had the dads participating in the gym class bouncing balls with them, stomping like dinosaurs and walking backwards. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures since this was just a daddy and Jillian activity.
After the gym class it was time for the dads to leave. Jillian reported to me that she was sad when daddy left (the barely keeping from crying when re telling the story..). By the time I picked her up she was just fine. She really enjoyed spending time with daddy at her Preschool.
Now it is fall break so no Preschool for Jillian for the next two weeks. I hope starting back up goes smoothly!
If you look in the back you can see Jillian and her daddy |