Started as a typical Monday for me. I went to work from 8-5. Took Jillian to her gymnastics class at 6 then Story Time at the at 7:30. We grabbed Wendy's for dinner on the way home. Got home by 8:30 had our dinner. I cleaned up the kitchen and living room area then got ready for bed.
As I was brushing my teeth I thought that Ryan had finally pushed down to hard on my bladder that I couldn't control it. I quickly realized this wasn't the case but instead it was fluid and time to call my parents (to take Jillian) and then birthing center. This was about 9:30 pm.
By 10pm we arrived at the hospital and got checked in. They were testing to make sure it was fluid leaking and nothing else. I got changed into my lovely gown and into the bed. No sooner did I get settled onto the bed then lots of fluid came out. It was no longer necessary for a test they were pretty confident my water had broken. Initially I was 90% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated.
Shortly after getting hooked up to the monitors contractions started and we were off. My parents brought Jillian to the hospital. She and my mom were hanging out with us in the labor room. I did good about not showing my discomfort during contractions with the little one in the room. She eventually curled up on my moms lap and fell asleep. She was asleep before the contractions got really strong and long. I had some nice ones that stayed at the peak for 4 minutes!
We did actually get a few updates along the way about progress. When I got to 6 cm dilated and was having pretty strong contractions I elected to take some pain killer nubain to help dull the pain. We had been told that this needed to be given before we reached 8 cm since after that they won't administer any more pain killers as it is not safe for the baby.
Rick and the labor nurse helped me decide when the best time to take the pain killer was. So it didn't wear off to soon but still had time to take it. Getting from 6 cm to 10 is pretty much a blur to me. I was sleeping in between contractions. I think it was about 2 hours and it was time to push. It took 37 minutes of pushing to get Ryan out. Overall from start to finish the labor was 6 hours.
Ryan Joseph arrived on 10-14-14 at 3:37 am. Weighing in at 8lbs 11 ounces (a whole 2 lbs bigger than his sister). He measured at 20 inches long.
Meeting Big Sister for the first time. For the middle of the night she woke up happy :). |
All snuggled up |