3 Questions they asked all the kiddos: 1. What was your favorite part of preschool, 2. What do you want to do this summer?, 3. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Answers read by the Teachers) |
Our Pre K Graduate! Soon to be a Kindergartener!! |
Sillly Girl |
I couldn't get her to keep her eyes open very well for my pictures |
Her Teachers: Mrs Lewis & Mrs Gill |
Our Big Girl is just 2 school days away from officially being a Kindergartner!! How did she get so big?!?! Her school had a nice little graduation program for the kids last night. The asked all the kids the same three questions and rad the answers last night. They had a slide show of pictures from the beginning of the year till now showing all the things the kids have done. What is great is that they will email us all of those photos on Friday :)
If anyone has ever asked Jillian what she wants to be when she grows up she has always said a Nurse like her meemaw. However her answer for last night was a Pilot. I asked her what changed her mind. She said she didn't know how to draw a Nurse!! (They drew pictures of said professions they choose) She then asked me if she could still be a Nurse even though she said Pilot! I of course told her she could be whatever she wanted. She didn't quite grasp the concept that she didn't have to be what she choose today. I used to say I wanted to be a Nurse too until I saw what they did and well now I work in a office instead!