I was able to get my H1N1 flu shot last week. I was only able to get it because I had called in on got on a list with my OB. Then over the weekend I got a cold... so it is possible getting the vaccine caused me to get a cold, but it is also possible they are not at all related. I was concerned about the cold symptoms so I did talk to my OB on Monday. Since I didn't have a fever they were certain it is just a cold and recommended rest. I am feeling much better today.
Last week we got the travel system in. An early gift from grandma and grandpa for little miss Jillian. She isn't going to be spoiled or anything.... In case you are wondering, yes I put her dolly in her car seat to take the picture :).
Amy got her travel system from her grandparents too but we had to wait for Christmas for it. :) Yay for the third trimester! I am glad that you are feeling better...stay healthy only 13 weeks to go!