The kid/baby seat was just added to my bike and we got it back yesterday. So we had to try it out! We have had this helmet for Jillian for about a year. Last spring/summer she wanted nothing to do with it being put on her head. She did just fine last night. I'm sure it helped that mommy, her meemaw and papaw were all wearing helmets too.
Getting her helmet strap sized so she can't just pull it off. It does have a very nice anti pinch device under the chin strap. Especially since this one is ticklish on her neck so she was squirming around and opening her mouth. A bit of a challenge to get it latched under these circumstances. +Jillian)
Jillian all set to go with her helmet. What you may not be able to see are the pink bunnies on her helmet.
Ready to go. It felt a little odd at first with the extra weight on the back. As we pulled out of the drive I was told she had a huge smile on her face. She held onto her little "handle bars" the whole time. We took a loop around the people trail and got close enough to the airport to see a big plane, which she enjoyed. We did also stop by a park so she could play. We didn't have a lot of time to stop since it was getting dark, but she did not fuss at all when we put her back in her seat to head home.
My mom took this video of us riding last night, while she was also on her bike.
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